Name: Katelyn Jones
Year in School: Sophomore
GPA: 3.3 unweighted
SAT Score:
ACT Score:
High Game: 298
High Series: 662
High House Average: 187
High Sport Average: 169
2014 Placed 18th U15 division Junior Gold
2013-14 FHSAA State Team Champion (Oviedo High School)
2013-14 Second Team All-Conference Seminole County
2013/Present Zone Director USBC State Youth Leaders
2012-14 President - Greater Orlando Youth Travel League
Possible Majors:
Chemical Engineering
C.A.T.S Data
Short Pattern (Stockholm):
Accuracy at 15’: 1.01”
Launch Angle Accuracy: 4.25⁰
Accuracy at 39’: 0.8”
Speed Launch Accuracy: 0.79 mph
Medium Pattern (Bear):
Accuracy at 15’: 4.86”
Launch Angle Accuracy: 12.11⁰
Accuracy at 39’: 1.8”
Speed Launch Accuracy: 0.73 mph
Long Pattern (Mexico City):
Accuracy at 15’: 2.93”
Launch Angle Accuracy: 7.27⁰
Accuracy at 39’: 1.1”
Speed Launch Accuracy: 0.5 mph
Bowling Knowledge/Coachability:
Bowling Knowledge Score: 65.0%
Coachability Score: 134 out of 160
Spare Shooting Results (Based on 30 shot test)
10 Pin Spare Proficiency: 83.3%
3-6-10 Pin Spare Proficiency: 53.3%
Bowling Statistics Baker Games (6 games):
Pocket %: 57.1%
Carry %: 47.6%
Fill Frame %: 71.4%
Single Pin Spare %: 50.0%
Physical Fitness Analysis
With any sport, the level of an athlete’s physical fitness has a direct impact on his or her ability to execute certain movements within the sport. In order to help quantify and portray your array of physical skills and abilities, and to help indicate areas of weakness that may hinder your potential for improvement in bowling, we have gathered and analyzed data in several important areas: mobility, balance, power, strength, and endurance. Below, you will find your results, as well as a description of the ratings and analyses.
Left Ankle - Limited
Right Ankle - Limited
Left Hip - Average
Right Hip - Below Average
Upper Back - Normal
Left Shoulder - Above Average
Right Shoulder - Limited
To assess mobility, there were three different tests performed: An overhead deep squat test, a Thomas test, and a shoulder mobility test. The overhead deep squat test is used to assess bilateral, symmetrical and functional mobility of the hips, knees, ankles, spine, and shoulders. The Thomas test further assesses specific flexibility of the musculature around the hips and knees, and the shoulder mobility test further assesses specific flexibility of the musculature around the shoulder. For your results, you will either see the term “limited”, which signifies that the joint mobility needs improvement, or “normal”, which means that the joint does not need improvement.
Vertical Jump (in) - 14”
Broad Jump (in) - 68”
Power Rating - 90% Percentile
To assess power, two tests were performed: a vertical jump test and a standing broad jump test. Both tests specifically measure jumping ability, which directly reflects a person’s ability to generate power. For your results, you will see a numerical value, which signifies the measured distance of the jump, as well as a percentile value, which reflects where you rank amongst other high school athletes.